A design with a sense of real quality using natural wood from the unspoiled forests of Hokkaido, Japan. To create a smooth surface finish, they’ve used methods employed in the production of highclass furniture. The texture of natural wood is sure to harmonize wonderfully with any room interior. Fits with any Stax earspeaker.
Stax HPS-2 Natural Wood Headphone Stand
460 incl. VAT
Stax HPS-2 Natural Wood Headphone Stand – Fits any Stax earspeaker.
Tags: Earspeaker, Headphone Stand, Stax
STAX was found in 1938. In 1959, STAX developed the world’s first electrostatic headphone and introduced SR-1 in 1960. Today STAX continues their tradition by offering the finest headphones for both professional and audiophile applications. STAX prefers to all its headphones “EARSPEAKERS”; such Ultra-High Fidelity devices for reproducing music can only be compared with the best cost-no-object loudspeakers, not other headphones. The term ”EARSPEAKER” is, therefore, more descriptive of STAX’s contribution to today’s most advanced level of sonic transduction.

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